Complaints Policy

Our objective is to provide our clients and candidates with services that meet and exceed their expectations. When our services do not meet your expectations, we would appreciate your feedback.

Procedure to Register a Complaint

Please submit your complaint in writing to our management:



Cast-A-Way Cruise and Resort Hiring Agency
Director of Operations
10 New St
St. Thomas, ON, N5P 2N1

Within two days of receiving your complaint, you will receive an email with the following:

  • Acknowledgment of your complaint.
  • A copy of this complaints procedure.

Cast-A-Way Cruise and Resort Hiring Agency will investigate your complaint and will do one of the following within 14 days:

  • Send you a detailed reply via email, including suggestions or actions taken to resolve your complaint. OR
  • Call you to discuss the complaint and possible solutions

Within three days of receiving our response, please reply indicating if you are satisfied with the resolution of the complaint. If we do not receive a reply, we will conclude that you are satisfied with the resolution.

If we do receive a response indicating non-satisfaction, we will submit your complaint to your country’s MLC/Maritime Labor governing body and also send the complaint to the Flagship State’s government of the ship on which you are employed.

We will maintain a record of your complaint along with a description of steps taken to resolve the complaint.

DISCLAIMER: Please note that it is not our policy to contact every candidate who applies with us. We will only contact those who possess the necessary qualifications and work history that our clients are seeking at the time. Resumes and applications are ordinarily kept for a period of two years. Please also note that a pre-screen or interview with Cast-A-Way is not a guarantee of employment.